

My Husband Purchases a House Without Asking Me

My husband goes ahead and decides on a purchase of a home without hesitation. I am more of a cautious type, and want to ...

I Have a Bad Habit of Running Away From Difficult Things, and Because of This, My Days Are Full of Hardships

When things don’t go my way, I tend to escape them; I have a bad habit of running away from difficult things. Therefore,...

Troubled by Too Great a Difference in Character Between My Husband and Me

Now that I have started to live 24-7 with my husband who retired from his job, I am perplexed by a great difference in o...

One Person I Cannot Get Along With

I am usually good with people, but there is this one friend whom I get easily frustrated and cannot seem to get along. I...

I Don’t Understand Why My Colleague Acting Insincerely Is Highly Evaluated

One of my colleagues treats people with different attitudes in a very obvious way. He acts kindly towards people who he ...

Having difficulty in getting involved with people

Since my mother passed away, I am living with my elder brother. I have a bad habit of having one-sided conversations. Th...

I do not like myself being peevish.

I tend to be peevish. I get into grumbling my complaints to people and spoiling the mood. I want to change my personalit...

I am not confident with myself.

QuestionI do not have any special talents. I cannot have confidence due to my experience of being teased about my appear...