

The Shinji is an Origin for the Power of Living a Life
Every Day Filled with Cheerful Feeling and Gratitude

(SM from Tokyo/50s/female/Temporary employee) This January, the swelling of my tonsil did not go away and I went to the ...

The long way around was the “necessary time” to my dream job as an occupational therapist

(MK from Iwate Prefecture/20s/Male/Occupational Therapist) I passed the national occupational therapist certification ex...

“That was really delicious!”――an honest expression triggered a flow of happiness of the two of us

(HY from Aomori Prefecture/60’s/Male/ Office Worker) The medical checkup found my cholesterol level too high. I was warn...

Unexpected Diagnosis of my Son’s Intestinal Cancer … The Key to Overcome the Serious situation was “a Family Power”

(JT from Saga Prefecture/60s/Femal/Housewife) My son was diagnosed with the second stage of a large intestinal cancer an...

The Successful Operation Supported by Love
Dedicating my Life for Others

(SF from Nagano Prefecture/80s/Female/Housewife) Recently, I had a major operation due to a fluid in my heart. Supported...

A way of life that saved my mother’s own life. A pain led to the detection of severe illness.

(YK from Yokohama City/50s/Female/Housewife) My mother, who is 87 years old, complained a pain in her stomach and saw a ...

When my impatience and discontent toward my doctors turned to gratitude, their responses also changed.

(TK from Hiroshima Prefecture/80s/Female/Housewife) It has been more than 20 years ever since my life was saved by a maj...

Stable kokoro is kept during the epidemic of Coronavirus

(YM from Chiba Prefecture/40s/Female/Part-timer)      Recently, the news about Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been reported ...

The strength we receive from Kami

( TY from Kyoto Prefecture/60’s/Male/Businessman) “This can’t be happening to me…” was my very first thought, when my do...

My kokoro is peaceful; fears of cancer recurrence disappeared

(FN from Shizuoka Prefecture/Female/60s/Housewife) I had surgeries for cancer twice. Since then, I was spending uneasy d...