Overcoming My Impatience and Inferiority, Gaining Unwavering Self-Confidence

(MT from Ibaraki Prefecture/20s/Female/ University Student)

“Oh no. I’m so ugly-looking.” In the past I used to hate to look at myself in the mirror.

How My Mother Reacted to My Wish to Have Cosmetic Surgery

I started a part-time job at an apparel shop I’d dreamed of working for. To serve our customers there, I needed to put on a perfect makeup, and to be particular about my hairstyles and nails, always checking what’s trending on social media. At first it was fun, but I started to lose confidence, comparing myself with others.

Just then, I heard about cosmetic surgery from a friend of mine, and if it’s that easy, why not give it a try? I talked to my mother about it. “Which part do you want reshaped?”; she asked me, and accepted everything I felt. Then, she told me what was charming about me carefully, one by one. 

Conversations with parents are wondrous. My negative feelings flowed clearly, and the teachings of Kami that I learned afterwards were ingrained deep in my heart. I have my own goodness, “unmei,” given to me by Kami. It can be brought out as I learn the teachings and interact with people. I continued to offer my kigan honestly; “I want confidence.” Then I became encouraged, convinced―”If I change my mind, my appearance will change. Ok, I will hone and rely on my inner self.”

I Can Interact With Customers With a Smile

Before my shift at work, I always learned the teachings. I wore my personal goshintai, hoping to “be with Kami.” When I was willing to welcome my customers with 120% love and to live up to their expectation, strangely enough, I could see the charms of that person. When I gave advice based on that, the customers became happy and I became confident before I knew it. Gradually, my sales performance went up, and I was even selected for the “Smile Award” on the floor. More and more people nominated me. My seniors asked me, “How can you be so positive about your work?” or “Why are you so open-minded?” Naturally, I was able to talk about Kami.

At first it was a hard experience, but this allowed me to look so deeply inward. The part of my face that I used to feel inferior about is so dear to me now.

I am still immature and have a long way to go, but it proves that there is a lot of room for growth. When I live with Kami, I can turn my weaknesses into strengths, and overcome anything. This is the confidence that I gained through this experience. My heart is filled with hopes and dreams when I think of my future.

Voice of Her Mother

The brilliance of one’s smile will come from within. When I told her this, she didn’t seem to get it at first. However, I went on to tell her my true feelings, saying, “I have been happy to be told that you look exactly like me. I would feel lonely if you would become unlike me.” “Oh, really?” “Yes. With this face, I have overcome many things all my life. It’s so precious” “Oh, it’s that precious. Then, I won’t change it.”

Now, my daughter, who has spiritually grown a lot, is interacting with people proudly and with a broad smile. As a parent, I am proud of her who shines lively.

Heeding the Shinji to Understand the Reasons for the Joys Experienced

Shinji are the universal truth and it also becomes the prophesies of life. Experience the wonders of life flowing exactly the way Shinji reveals, as you live by the teachings of Kami.

Your unmei has potentials to be of use to society.
Believe in the greatness of your existence because it is the strengths(abilities) that Kami has given to each of you.
In order to bring out your own strengths(existence), be a person who lives open-mindedly, with your heart undisturbed.
Life—the more you hone your unmei and live with willingness to contribute your strengths(abilities) to society, the more encounters will support your life in return.
You can turn all your encounters into your deep understanding, and you will experience the joy of living.