Unhealthy Relationship with My Mom Since Elementary School

Since elementary school, I have always felt a distance with my mother who pours her expectations on me to be an ideal child. Recently, she would constantly say “You have to get married soon,” every time I see her and it makes me anxious. (Female in her 20s)


As parents, it’s natural to wish for their daughter’s well-being and happiness. However, if you and your parents are not accepting each other’s values and ideas, your encounter as a family will not deepen. Misunderstandings and a gap between the both of you will occur. Now is the time for you and your family to learn the teachings, knowing your respective positions, and grasp the correct way to involve with the family.

There are many people in society today, who are egotistic, living life relying on themselves, and not deepening their ties with their family members.
Understand your role and position and communicate your thoughts to other family members.
The more you deepen this thought, you will start to see the kokoro of your family members and become a person who attains meaning and purpose.

Are you communicating your true feelings to your mother? It is important you open yourself up and talk to your family about anything. Do not go against them, but with calm feelings, tell your thoughts in your own words such as; what you are thinking now, what you want to do in the future, etc. As parents, when they see what their child is thinking, they become calmer, feel secure, and will not be asking you millions of questions that might frustrate you.

Ther more you face your family in a correct way, your parents will trust you better. And their words, attitudes will gradually change. And at the same time, you might start to see your mother’s true feelings better.

If the teachings are put to practice inside the family environment, the kokoro of family members will be better connected for sure. Days filled with a peace of mind is what Kami calls happiness. And that is what people should truly seek for in life.