(MS from Ibaraki Prefecture/30s/Female/CAD operator)
I tried to be perfect in everything since I was a child and made an effort to achieve the things as my own will. It is out of the question for me to complain. Three years ago, however, such character of mine worked against me and I suffered from an adjustment disorder. My discontent accumulated toward the huge amount of works. However, I could not ask for any help since my pride disturbed it. As a result, I kept on working, my strength exceeded the limit. After seven months of medical treatment, I returned to work. Although I decided to not to work too much, I got out of condition again. I felt my limitations finally and decide to change the job and went back to my parent’s home.
When I Realize the Kokoro I Have Left for a Long Time
At first, I thanked my parents for a warm welcome back into the home. Gradually, however, my irritation gained. I just felt things like “I want you to do this way.” At the same time, I came to realize that my kokoro to blame others brought about. I came to realize the bad movement of my kokoro which I have been left for a long time since I began to learn the teachings at home.
Even though I learned the importance of “practice with kokoro of love”, it was difficult for me since I strongly asked and expected from another person. However, I learned the teachings without discouraged and finally realized. How and how much I was supported by many around me.
My parents care about my condition and support me without saying that “You should move when you are at home.” When I worked at the previous office, co-workers spoke to me as they suspected my severe situation. I finally realized everyone cared me as they understand my character that could not rely on others.
Before Asking for Others, How Was I…?
I was ashamed and felt sorry since I only blamed others even though everyone cared about me. From then on, my view point changed from not finding what the other person did not do, but, tried to find what they did for me.
In addition, I did not use the words for caring others than I expected even though I demanded their help. Therefore, I try to praise my family and speak to my co-workers saying “Are you ok now?” or “Please let me know if you need for help.” Now, I try to be a person who are easy to speak.
Great Pleasure Kami Gave to Me
These days, I noticed my symptom of adjustment disorder have not come back. The current work is so busy, but, it has not caused any pain for me at all. My kokoro to blame someone is almost gone.
It is miracle that I, who just asked for others, changed to a person who can think “I want to become one with what the other person wants. I want to give my love more.” Now, I experience the pleasure to live with a kokoro of love through the power of Kami who gave me a pure love.
Heeding the Shinji to Understand the Reasons for the Joys Experienced
Shinji is the universal principle (truth), and can also be the guidance of life that foresees the future. Please feel the wonders of a life that flows exactly in a way the Shinji tells us when you live with the teachings of Kami.
-People live life, accumulating every encounters with other people-
People who could make the use of each encounter, they could attain a life full of meaning and purpose.
The other who could not, they lose their way of life.
The person who could expand the encounter and deepen it, their kokoro is full of love.
Their kokoro are moved and filled with gratitude, which draws more ties into their life.