Who Is the Best Doctor for Me?

I consulted a highly reputed doctor and he advised me to go through a surgery. However, I was still very anxious, for I felt the diagnosis was made so rapidly. Therefore, I went to see another doctor for a second opinion, but he also gave me the same diagnosis. Although the second doctor seems more trustworthy to me, I am still unable to make any decision. And my husband got upset for my indecision. (Female in her 50s)


When you become overwhelmed by various information, your confusion only deepens, making it difficult for you to make right judgments. Therefore, we would advise you to list up what you are anxious about, the reason why you cannot judge, and sort out your feelings. And then, you need to communicate your thoughts and feelings to your husband, and talk them over with him.

Live each day using caution not to disturb and lose the balance between your kokoro(*2) and body.
When your kokoro is consumed with knowledge, then you will weep with your jittai
The more your kokoro to live by the principles deepens, your kokoro will flow cheerfully, and you will become able to live positively.

When you become ill, you should not face it all by yourself; instead, you should overcome it together with your family. When there is something you want to confirm with your doctor, get your husband’s cooperation, and ask your doctor with him to make it clear.

When you face your illness together with your husband, then you will feel a greater sense of security, and you can receive medical treatment more positively.

No matter which hospital you choose, the importance is for you to be always thankful for the medical staffs you meet, and create a firm bond of trust with them.

The more you feel the support from your family and those around you, the more cheerful and positive your heart will become. Then, your power to recover and resist will enhance, and the efficacy of the treatment will be raised, too.

*1 Shinji: The principles and teachings that are the word of Ōyamanezunomikoto and given to us through Shisha.

*2 kokoro: The thoughts and emotions that constantly move between the soul (unmei) and the physical body (jittai); if the kokoro is influenced by our temperament and other physical predispositions of our jittai, it becomes unbalanced; if it becomes one with our unmei, the kokoro becomes balanced and anchored.

*3 jittai: The positive and negative physical and emotional traits such as disposition and personality that we inherit from our parents and ancestors that are also passed down from us to our descendants; the movement of the kokoro according to these inherited traits.