How to Get Involved with a Mentally Unstable Wife

Recently, my wife has started to overreact saying, “People around me are gossiping about me.” However, there is no such sign, and when I say, “You’re thinking too much,” she would raise her voice and say, “You don’t understand,” and her emotions run high. How can I face my wife and get involved with her situation? (Male/50s) 


When a family member is mentally unstable, the people around them should support the person with a warm heart. However, if the other person is emotionally overwhelmed, you will be consumed by it, and shaken by their situation. 

Therefore, it is essential to study Kami‘s teachings and to kigan. As you read the Shinji every day, you will see various corrections in the way you feel, perceive, and interact with your family. While praying for what you notice, you will work on practicing the teachings. At the same time, ask Kami so that you can accept any words and actions of your family members with an open mind and a calm heart. 

Try to make an effort to cultivate a rich mind and try to give your wife a sense of security. 

The basis of the happiness is a harmonious family  
People who live with their kokoro is living in search for a family environment where the soul can rest in peace. 
Living in search of a “home” where the soul can rest. 
If you can create a home with love, any person can live with a bright, positive, and a relaxed kokoro. 

If we compare a home to a standing tree, the husband is the root and the wife is the trunk. What you need to do as a husband is to have the “strong kokoro” to stand firm as a root and support the emotional fluctuations of the trunk. 

If your wife’s unstable condition continues, you may need to consult a doctor or other specialist. In order not to make your wife worry and feel anxious, treat it as a family problem, accept their thoughts warmly, support them, and work together as a family to face this situation. There, little by little, your feelings will stabilize and the treatment should be effective.