I’m Sick and Tired of My Selfish Boss

I’m sick and tired of my selfish boss. When the job he had ordered his subordinates to do was criticized by the executives, he blamed his subordinates and didn’t take responsibility, pretending to be a victim. Because of this, one of my coworkers got depression and quit the company. (Male in his 30s)


You must not forget that you are not serving your boss, but you are a member of the organization of your company. Recognizing yourself as a member of the organization, what is important is to focus on doing your best to extend your abilities for the sake of your company. Do your job with such a giving heart (Houshi no kokoro) and go on to fulfill the task you are given. Then, the time will come without fail when your existence is recognized and comes to life.

In today’s world (society) when knowledge is relied on as they live, people are living seeking out forms rather than looking to the principles.
This is the reason why they cannot be willing to work, and there is a maelstrom of kokoro(feelings) of discontent and dissatisfaction.
Human beings, who live through the kokoro, will have a conviction to give their existence back to society strengthened and fostered, the more they acquire the kokoro of gratitude.
All people who give back to the world with the strengths of their unmei will be able to go out into society supported by many people’s strengths (cooperation).

If consumed by the characters and deeds of your boss, you only become increasingly discontented. And in case your boss is exerting such negative influences on other workers, then the company will take action to take care of such a situation.

The foundation of working lies in having a kokoro to give back. Instead of remaining discontented, think about what you can do in your place. The importance is to deepen your ties to the company you belong to. Always with a kokoro of gratitude, strive to contribute to your company with what you can do. When you are engaged with your work with a kokoro to give back, you will be thanked, and filled with fulfillment and joy for having contributed. When your kokoro understands this, the environment you are in will gradually change, allowing you to overcome your troubles and hardships.