I’m Having a Hard Time Organizing Everyone’s Opinions at the Neighborhood Association

I have become a board member of my neighborhood association. However, neighbors have a variety of different demands. I’m having a hard time organizing them. I’m at a loss, because I can’t always stay in tune with everyone’s opinions. (Male in his 60s)


A neighborhood association is an organization that protects and maintains the environment of the neighborhood so that the residents can get along well and live together in harmony. And its board are the representatives whose role is to manage the organization.

When you have this principle in mind, nothing is difficult. Your job is not like that of a company manager who picks the best strategy to produce the greatest business results. Just always listen to the opinions of the residents, and democratically manage the association.

It is natural that the way people think differs from person to person. Start by having a good discussion with everyone keeping in mind that everything is for the residents. Your role is to coordinate the meeting so that everyone concerned will respect one another and understand each other’s opinions, and that all will be satisfied.

Live to give back without being affected by the attitude and the words of others, the environment and the circumstances.
Your work gains meaning and purpose the stronger is your will(conviction) to give back to society through the strengths of your unmei.
With the support, cooperation, and esteem of many people, you will be increasingly successful.

Harmony will definitely be maintained, when you are able to accept each one’s thoughts, without denying any idea, and exercise care to ensure that the good aspects of each idea will be made use of. Then, the bonds of trust will deepen, and the awareness to support one another will be fostered. This will surely lead to an environment that is comfortable to live in, and is always filled with smiles.