Moving Forward from a Horrible Depression
To Become a Person Who Can Cherish the Kokoro

(AO from Iwate Prefecture/Female/20s/Part time worker)

I moved away from my parent’s house and worked at a bank doing sales for 6 and a half years. It was a fulfilling job, but the quota kept increasing each and every day. By the time I was assigned the youngest director at the bank, my kokoro was crying for serious help. However, despite my situation, I couldn’t say “No, I can’t” because I didn’t want to lose. If someone says “You can do it, right?” I would answer, “Yes, of course!” Before I knew it, I was suffering a clinical depression.

Understanding the Order of Things and Matters from the Teachings

I quit my job and returned home. That is when my mother recommended me and said, “I think you should read Shinji.” And through Shinji, I learned that there is an order to everything. The priority is the relationship among the family.  At home, I am a child, so it is important to speak to my parents about my feelings. I used to hide away my problems from them just because I didn’t want to worry them. But I found out that because you open up your true and honest feelings to your parents, they feel less worried and more at ease. 

When I opened up my feelings, my parents said, “No worries. You can stay here as much as you like.” And I was happy that they accepted me. Gradually, I started to see my kokoro. I used to think ‘No, I can’t,’ equals ‘running away from things.’ And that is how I was pushing myself into corners on my own accord. What I realized after things started shaking up in life, was the importance to reflect on my kokoro.

Experiencing the Joy of Working When You Talk Things Over and Support Each Other

I felt better little by little and my health started to come back. I stayed away from work for about a year and stated to work part time at a bakery beginning this summer. Things that I keep in mind the most is to greet people with a bright attitude ask my colleagues to see if there is anything that I can help at the moment. Whenever I go to work, they would say to me, “Oh good, you are here!” It makes me feel content. And when I have a lot of tasks to do at work, I can now naturally ask for a helping hand.

I feel the joy of working together—not trying to do everything on my own. From baking the bread to how to line the bread on the show cases, I would talk it over with my colleague and decide. It is strange, but I never felt the joy of working like I am right now.

With my Family—Walking at My Own Pace

Our conversations at home have become more abundant. There is so much laughter at the dinner table. There were only feelings of devastation when I started going regularly to the hospital for my treatment for depression. My dad who watched over me with full support. My mom who always gave me a helping hand. I have nothing but gratitude for them. And because I had the teachings of Kami to guide me, I was able to have the courage to move forward. I want to keep moving forward, one step at a time.

Heeding the Shinji to Understand the Reasons for the Joys Experienced

Shinji is the universal principle (truth), and can also be the guidance of life that foresees the future. Please feel the wonders of a life that flows exactly in a way the Shinji tells us when you live with the teachings of Kami

Family environment is the foundation (social environment) that fosters a person.
Family members who live in a family environment will raise their kokoro (jittai) as they accomplish their respective roles and positions.
Know the state (truth) of human beings who live their life with unmei-jittai; learn the teachings as a family; and strive to deepen the correct involvement.
The teachings will bring the kokoro of family members together as one and help make a family environment where the unmei of each other will be mutually energized.
And naturally, the Kokoro no Michi that the family will pass on will be honed and the jittai will be corrected.