It Wasn’t Just a Religious Group!
Finding a New Self

(YY from Saitama Prefecture/80s/Male/Retired)

I never had a good feeling about being involved in a religious group. I had this idea that if there is salvage through believing in a higher being, then there should be no one suffering on the face of this earth. For that reason, I didn’t join my wife to become a member of Shinji Kyōkai but would drive her to classes she wanted to attend at Kyōkai.

There was this one time, I was waiting for her in the car, but there were no signs of her coming back. So I went inside the building and as I was searching, I overheard a voice leaking from the classroom that completely changed how I saw about this Kyōkai. The content was, that in times of illness, miracles occur as you go through the right process of treatment at the hospital. And the reason to rely on Kami (*1)was to ask for the protection of your kokoro (*2) to go through the treatment processes.  This was an eye-opener for me, and made me realize that Shinji Kyōkai was not a place to ask for instant miracles and changes of your life—there is something much deeper to expect.

Seeking Out to Experience the Existence of Kami

My curiosity to know more about the teachings grew stronger and I started to learn the teachings together with my wife.

Before retirement, I used to be in the sales business, working hard to keep up with the numbers. I was diligent, which had both good and bad, but it sure helped me climb up the corporate ladder to success. But on the other hand, I did go through times of difficulties facing my colleagues which troubled me at times.

Thanks to Kami’s teaching, it made me realize how I have lived in such selfish ways. It made me reflect about things I never even cared about. For example, how I wasn’t considerate enough about my staff and their family. As with my own family, work always came before my wife and children. Arguments with my wife was a daily issue. And in retrospect, I am embarrassed that I’ve shown some bad examples for my children.

To change my selfish way of thinking, I decided to continue to kigan every day, strive to change myself, and learn the teachings. The effort helped me feel the existence of Kami who protects the kokoro of people.  I am now able to press pause before I get emotional which led to less troubles at work. I am now head of the company, and the family has become more peaceful than ever.

Experiencing True Joy and Happiness in My Twilight Years

I can’t see it for myself, but I guess I appear to be a different person today to many of the people around me. My children say that I was unapproachable in the past, but not today. They show their respect for me more than ever. Or when I meet up with my friends who I have not seen for a long time, they would say, “My goodness, what has changed you so much! You’ve become so pleasant!” I have also been recently voted to become the head of the senior group in the community. I am just grateful to be relied on and depended on by so many people at my age.

My wife passed away 9 years ago and I am now living alone. But I don’t feel lonely because my children and grandchildren that adds up to 12 family members are always around and giving me support. All of my family is also a proud member of Shinji Kyōkai learning the teachings.

I am in my 80s now, and I have never been so grateful and content. I owe this happiness at the end of my life to Kami, and give my deepest appreciation for the joy and peace I am experiencing today.

Heeding the Shinji (*3) to Understand the Reasons for the Joys Experienced

The reason to stay faithful to Kami, is to achieve true happiness.
It is not an existence (Kami) to ask for your wishes but an existence to ask for a peaceful kokoro to live each and every day.
The existence and power of Shinkon appears to you as forms (miracles) in life

*1 Kami: Great power above named Ōyamenezunomikoto, the source of all life.

*2 Kokoro: The thoughts and emotions that constantly move between the soul (unmei) and the physical body (jittai); if the kokoro is influenced by our temperament and other physical predispositions of our jittai, it becomes unbalanced; if it becomes one with our unmei, the kokoro becomes balanced and anchored.

*3 Shinji: The principles and teachings that are the word of Ōyamanezunomikoto and given to us through Shisha.