Why Is It Hard to Get a New Job?

I was working as a temporary worker, and my wife was working at a restaurant. I was laid off because of the pandemic one year ago. In addition, my wife’s income has decreased because the restaurant she’s working shortened the hour of operations. I am worried about our life. (Male in his 60s)


Don’t take it all on yourself. It is time to work together on the problem as a husband and wife and share thoughts with each other. Think how you and your wife can cooperate and support each other.

People who live a life guided by their unmei(*2) experience meaning and purpose at work, and their kokoro(*3) are supported by the trust and anticipation of many.
Human kokoro will anchor at the family in harmony and their jittai
(*4) will be corrected through the family conversation.
The strength of unmei will be gradually drawn out and the kokoro to live and give back grow.

It is important to reflect on many things objectively: your potential, a household budget, social situation, through the conversation between a husband and wife. As you do so, you will also perceive what your wife thinks and how much effort she has been putting. Then, your conviction to protect your family will strengthen, and it becomes your power to fulfill your role. Even if the reality didn’t match with your desired job and working structure, the will to try any work and take any chance to support your family will spring from.

At work, it is important to make the best use of your strength for the workplace and people. The sincerity will make you the person who is wanted and trusted by many. You will experience meaning and purpose both at home and workplace, and your life will be protected.

*1 Shinji: Words from Ōyamanezunomikoto, the source of all life.

*2 Unmei: The unique strengths given to each human being at the time of birth by Ōyamanezunomikoto that allows us to be useful in society, to help others, and to live a life of hope, meaning, and purpose.

*3 Kokoro: The thoughts and emotions that constantly move between the soul(unmei) and the physical body (jittai); if the kokoro is influenced by our temperament and other physical predispositions of our jittai, it becomes unbalanced; if it becomes one with our unmei, the kokoro becomes balanced and anchored.

*4 Jittai: The positive and negative physical and emotional traits such as disposition and personality that we inherit from our parents and ancestors that are also passed down from us to our descendants; the movement of the kokoro according to these inherited traits.