Worried About an Unsympathetic Feelings that Resides in Our Society


When I hear news or read articles online, I get tired because they are always filled with criticism that inflames public anxiety. I am worried what will become of our society. (Male/ 50’s)


Modern society is full of great changes, and inundated with various information. Unless we have a firm yardstick for seeing things, we may be overwhelmed by anxieties. However, regardless of the changes of the times, just as the flow of the four seasons —spring, summer, autumn, and winter— never changes, the most important things for us to live a happy life will stay unchanged.

Do you know why the world will now connect and move in a large way?
The power (unmei) of an age that seeks the “right” relations is moving in the search for happiness and stability.
Learn the teachings and strive to become the human being who lives by the principles.
Then you will know without hesitation, the direction you should walk.

The stability of our kokoro stems from conversations with family members. Even though your kokoro may be swayed by the news you see, making conversations within your family would allow each family member to see things from a broader perspective, saying things like, “There’s not only bad news. I also heard good news like this.”  This will bring you to distinguish what you should be involved with from what is irrelevant to you, and focus on what you must do. This is the way of life that is one with the principles.

The teachings of Kami are the principles that guide our life. The more you learn them, you will come to see the truth of things, and live a natural way of life in accordance with your place and role. Whatever the circumstances, you will be able to live each day with a great sense of security, and be one with your family.