Laid off due to the coronavirus pandemic


I work as a taxi driver. I was laid off as the business conditions of my company worsened due to the new coronavirus pandemic. Unable to see my future, I’m feeling insecure.

 (Male 50’s)


Currently, economic activities have been stalled worldwide, with numbers of companies having gone into bankruptcy or in financial difficulties due to the pandemic. When we find ourselves overwhelmed by turbulent changes in society, we need to return to the basics of Kami’s teachings. The source of happiness is a family in harmony. Try to keep your kokoro anchored by creating a family environment where its members call out to and support one another, with the husband and the wife always in mutual communication.

Understand that what protects life is not economic power ーmoney but the power of unmei.
The will to live is strengthened when you give back to society.
Have the conviction to use the strength(abilities) protected by your unmei to realize the happiness of others(people)
The Basic Principles Family, Health, and Work

When you have a healthy kokoro, you can have your unnmei ―― your strengths to contribute to society ―― brought out. It is important to think what you can do now and take actions. Making conversations with people close to you may give you some ideas. Be involved with the society in a positive way. When you take actions, your kokoro starts to flow. Then you will come to see which way to go with the help and support from people who care about you, and this will give you hope for the future.

As you live to deepen, broaden, and cherish every encounter, your life will naturally open up for possibilities. The more each and every one of us lives with this effort, the more stable the social conditions will become.