Earned a degree from a top university. Why can’t I find the right job?


 I have been constantly changing my job. I would start at a new work place, but soon I get uneasy, start feeling this isn’t right and quit. Why is it so hard to find the right job? What was the point of going to the top university to earn my degree?



 It is natural to expect to be evaluated fairly, or to earn a job that fits your college degree. But it is important to remember that your willingness to do positive work for the company and the human relationship are big factors that always comes into the equation before you can use the skills and knowledge you have earned through your education. We often think that a higher degree is a given key to success. But we live in a world where it is a give and take between people—you have to give your heart and your effort to do your best for the company first, in order to be evaluated fairly and rewarded fairly.

Strive to be the person (shinja) who draws out the strength of their unmei and lives each day to give back to society.
Understand that what protects life is not economic power—money—but the power of the unmei.
Have the conviction to use the strength (abilities) protected by your unmei to realize the happiness of others (people).
The more this kokoro (conviction) deepens, human beings experience the true joys of what it is to live protected by the power of their unmei.

If you make the effort to contribute to your work place, your efforts will be noticed and you will gain trust from your coworkers. That is when you will start to find your place to be in the company you work for. It will be comforting and will bring you a sense of security and confidence to do better, using your skills acquired at school.