Difficulties in raising a child.


I am a mother of a 3 year old. She is constantly running around and screaming. There is never a moment where she is calm and relaxed. Plus, there is no discipline. I am starting to blame myself for her behavior.

(Female 30’s)


We believe that there are many mothers, feeling the same way you are. You are not alone.
One thing we need to understand and accept, is that the child, at 3, is not at an age where she can see what is right and what is wrong.

Child rearing—it is the role as a parent to nurture your child’s growth.
Have a kokoro to see your child with more acceptance.
Your child will grow into a true human who treasures and understands the love and thoughts of their parents.

To point out the wrong doings is not the only role of parents. Ask Kami and wish for your unhurried kokoro, so that you can see your child’s personality, point out her abilities and talents, and let them flourish. When your kokoro calms and anchors, your child will become much more relaxed and stable. And it is always important you let your husband know what is going on—how you are feeling and what your concerns are. Sharing your anxieties is what will help you anchor, and your home environment will feel more relaxed and comfortable. These warm environmenst is what helps the growth of your child.