Awareness; practice of the teachings brought happiness to my life

(EI from Shizuoka Prefecture/Female/60s/Housewife)

I used to ask Kami only to ask for my wishes.  But now I depend on Kami to become a person who lives a life according to Kami’s teachings.  

What changed my thought was the long recovering process of my arm injury—I was constantly worried and frustrated.  To ease my anxieties, I started to read books published by the church (Shinji Kyōkai) more frequently.  From then on, I came to realize various mistakes in the way I viewed about certain things.

I saw that I had been especially demanding with my family.  Even though I learned the teachings, I was not putting them to practice, so I began to realize I was the one who needs to change.  Little by little, my gratitude for my family began to surface, and was able to show my gratitude with a smile and compassion.

Recently, my son told me “Seeing you smile makes me happier than anything else!”  So I replied, “Children’s happiness makes mothers happier than anything else!”

I try to keep up with the teachings by reading books from the church whenever I have time.  I really appreciate the “awareness” I can get from learning the teachings, and the more I learn, the more it brings joy.